26 January 2014, 12:07 am

What did I do today? Well, technically yesterday.

I bought Johnson’s Baby oil and slather a good amount into my hair. And after realizing my mistake, I spent more than an hour washing my hair to remove the grease. Seriously, what was I thinking? Well, while I was combing my hair, I feel I just needed to do deep hair conditioning because my hair looks and feels  frizzy and dry.J & J baby oil

The idea just hit me,Do a home remedy treatment. Too bad that there’s really not much benefit in using mineral oil in my hair. So off to the bathroom I went and used an  over-the-counter hair spa product from HBC.

Then I slept the afternoon away while Pat was watching  Aaron play outside,

Did some floor and wall mopping, some more cleaning because Ate Mariel had her day off ,then updated my account here.

And oh, i t’s quite cold since yesterday, and today, currently at 19 degrees C. While others may find it normal,but for us living in a tropical country, a night temperature of 23-25C is already enough for a good night sleep.

So go grab and  put on an extra clothing to keep you warm.

How I love this kind of weather but it’s just not for me. SniffS!

Bleaching my hair

Bleaching my hair

After being a red hair gal for quite some time, A few months ago, I finally decided to try bleaching my hair.
I was shocked and wasn’t expecting that it would be this painful. I was anticipating a little itchiness every now and then but I was not prepared with the kind of pain I’m currently experiencing. It feels like small needle pricking my scalp and my head feels so hot that I could feel it without even touching my hair.
5 mins passed but for me, It feels like forever. I was looking at the clock every now and then hoping to at least reach 30 mins to achieve a nice blond color.
10 mins and i was already pacing around the salon, doing all relaxation techniques I could remember from nursing school to no avail.
After almost 20 mins, I gave up because I can’t stand it anymore. hehehe

I didn’t achieve the shade I was hoping for but it’s enough to satisfy my blond craving. Too bad, regrowth could already be seen after 3 days.
After a week, I returned to my usual hair color.But instead of using permanent hair color, I opted for a washable red cellophane. It turned pinkish red. ;-D